CBR Indigenous Food Research Workshops with Tom Child in Courtenay, May 20
Everyone Is Welcome!
The CBR Skills Building: Vancouver Island Workshops with Tom Child
Spring 2010 Series
North Island College – Courtenay
When: Thursday, May 20th in the Tyee Hall, 2nd Floor, Room 203 & 202 at North Island College, 2300 Ryan Road in Courtenay.
Workshops are free - Pre-Register by May 17th
The morning workshop will include everyone at 11:00 am (registration starts at 10:30 am).
In the afternoon, participants will choose to attend one of two workshops.
Please see details below:
10:30 am -11:00 am - Registration
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Morning Workshop
- Welcome & Introduction to Community-Based Research (CBR) with Dr.John Belshaw, Assoc. VP Education & Research & Research CBR for Indigenous Food Systems, North Island College and Maeve Lydon, OCBR Associate Director, University of Victoria
- Sharing Knowledge and Gaining Wisdom: Opportunities and Challenges of CBR with Tom Child, Researcher with the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Indigenous Food Network. More info: www.indigenousfoodsystems.org
Tom will speak about his experience of conducting research with 300 people across five First Nations communities. He is a graduate student at the UVic who has conducted research on the first-ever major study of the health benefits and risks of the seafood diet of BC’s coastal First Nations. His study focused on environmental contaminants in four traditional marine food species—Harbour seals, Sockeye salmon, Dungeness crab and Butter clams. Tom Child is Kwakiutl from the village of Fort Rupert.
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - Lunch - Sandwiches and refreshments provided
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Afternoon Workshops
A. Digital Story Catching with Christopher Bowers – Capturing the Story
and Getting the Word Out – Learn interview and dissemination/distribution techniques using the latest technology. More info:
B. Community Mapping with Ken Josephson –Re-presenting knowledge about
place and people using creative open source mapping processes and map products. More info: www.mapping.uvic.ca
3:00 pm-3:30 pm - Evaluation and Wrap-up
Please be in touch if you have more questions.
Penny Murray
Event & Workshop Coordinator
Office of Community-Based Research
University of Victoria
Tel. 250-744-9304
Email: ocbrreg@uvic.ca
Website: http://web.uvic.ca/ocbr
The workshops are sponsored by the Office of Community Based Research at UVIC, the Community-Based Research Institute at VIU and the B.C. Healthy Living Alliance. All of the presenters are part of the Vancouver Island Community Research Alliance (VICRA) which includes all five Island campuses – UVic and VIU with Camosun College, North Island College and Royal Roads University. Funding support is through the B.C. Healthy Living Alliance and the Vancouver Foundation-sponsored and OCBR-led CBR Capacity Building Project.