Amazon Conservation Team
Because indigenous groups are unable to conduct much if any conservation work if their livelihood needs are not met, ACT works with its partners to develop both sustainable traditional agriculture and income generation programs. For ACT's indigenous partners, the "sustainable" part of "sustainable development" typically is second nature, but they often need help in identifying market needs and training in product development.
In cases where the object is not to generate income but merely to provide for their own sustenance, they may need resources to implement self-generated, small-scale farming projects that are based on traditional ecological methods. Where applicable, traditional methods are stressed in ACT's sustainable development programs in order to promote indigenous community identity and cohesion, which are strengthened by a recognition of the expertise and self-sufficiency inherent in ancestral ways.
Sustainable development and food security
The mission of the Amazon Conservation Team is to work in partnership with indigenous people in conserving biodiversity, health, and culture in Amazonia.
ACT Today For A Better Tomorrow
ACT wants to help protect and preserve a world as rich and as diverse as the one into which we were born. Your contribution to ACT enables us to help achieve that goal for us, for our children, and for our grandchildren.
Mark J. Plotkin, Ph.D. President