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Generations and Youth

Network Environments for Aboriginal Research - British Columbia

Network Environments for Aboriginal Research - British Columbia (NEARBC) is a website and list serv service hosted by the Centre for Aboriginal Health Research. It focuses on Aboriginal children, youth, adults, and Elders' health across BC and further afield. There you can find news, events, job opportunities, and an abstracts database, and you can also subscribe to the e-news which is published every Friday.

Exploring Ethnobiology: Preserving Traditional Foodways among Indigenous Youth

As people throughout the Western world are increasingly seeking to reconnect with their food, there's a lot to be learned from the many peoples who have long maintained these dynamic relationships between their sustenance and the earth. Ethnobiologists research these very relationships through a scientific lens and it's a field of study bringing together many disciplines like anthropology, ecology and conservation to name just a few.

Indigenous Nutrition

In recent decades Indigenous Peoples globally have experienced rapid and dramatic shifts in lifestyle that are unprecedented in history. Moving away from their own self-sustaining, local food systems into industrially derived food supplies, these changes have adverse effects on dietary quality and health.

Wild Salmon are Sacred

We the undersigned citizens of Canada stand against the biological and social threat and commerce of industrial marine net-cage feedlots using our global oceans. The science is clear: these operations risk wild salmon populations by intensifying disease and deplete world fishery resources to make the feed. They privatize ocean spaces and threaten our sovereign rights to food security.

We call on the Government of Canada to take the appropriate measures to get open-net aquaculture out of our federal waters:

Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs

RAVEN is a charitable organization that provides financial resources to assist Aboriginal Nations within Canada in lawfully forcing industrial development to be reconciled with their traditional ways of life, and in a manner that addresses global warming or other ecological sustainability challenges.

BC Cancer Agency Prevention Programs

Updated: June 2, 2009

"We believe it is much better to prevent a cancer than to treat it after it has developed."
Dr. David McLean, Head, BC Cancer Agency Prevention Programs

Did you know that more than 50% of cancers are preventable? What you eat, whether you smoke, your level of activity, and how you spend time in the sun are all lifestyle choices that can affect your chances of getting cancer - and your chances of preventing it.

You can also protect yourself through the BC Cancer Agency's Screening Programs, which can detect breast and cervical cancer at early stages.

What is food sovereignty from La Via Campesina 2003

The concept of food sovereignty was developed by Via Campesina and brought to the public debate during the World Food Summit in 1996 and represents an alternative to neoliberal policies. Since then, that concept has become a major issue of the international agricultural debate, even within the United Nations bodies. It was the main theme of the NGO forum held in parallel to the FAO World Food Summit of June 2002.

Indigenous Food Systems Network Website Launch

ork – Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty

On February 1, 2010, the Indigenous Food Systems Network Website was launched! The IFSN Website Project is a web-based centre for increasing awareness of issues, concerns and strategies related to protecting, conserving and restoring the myriad of Indigenous food based cultures across Canada.

Related File: 

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Indigenous Food Coooperatives - Indigenous Diet Challenge

The Indigenous food cooperatives initiative was suggested by 3 Indigenous women at the 2009 BC Food Systems Gathering, as a mutual challenge to revitalize bioregional or local Indigenous food systems, security and sovereignty, by supporting, revitalizing or recreating Indigenous hunting, fishing, gathering, farming and trade practices in our local areas.


The following file is a 48 KB pdf document you many need to download Adobe Reader to open the file.

Avatar and the True Defenders of the Land

After seeing the film Avatar, the recent release by James Cameron dealing with allegorical Indigenous Peoples on an alien planet that humans seek to colonize, displace and finally eliminate in order to access the rich resources in their territories, a few reflections emerge. The first is a more than passing resemblance to the actual reality of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and beyond, the bounty of whose land and resources have cost them great suffering at the hands of colonizers and would-be-saviours.

Citation / Reference: 
Powless, B. (2010). Avatar and the True Defenders of the Land.