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Protection and Direct Action

Feedlot-Free Broughton Archipelago Petition

I am writing to let you know we are gathering digitally to protect wild salmon.

Five thousand years ago the Broughton Archipelago generously supported thousands of people. Its natural contours create the perfect conditions for clams, salmon, herring and seaweeds. As long as their culture protected the fish, the people thrived building communities, a society, Nations.

Indigenous Nutrition

In recent decades Indigenous Peoples globally have experienced rapid and dramatic shifts in lifestyle that are unprecedented in history. Moving away from their own self-sustaining, local food systems into industrially derived food supplies, these changes have adverse effects on dietary quality and health.

Wild Salmon are Sacred

We the undersigned citizens of Canada stand against the biological and social threat and commerce of industrial marine net-cage feedlots using our global oceans. The science is clear: these operations risk wild salmon populations by intensifying disease and deplete world fishery resources to make the feed. They privatize ocean spaces and threaten our sovereign rights to food security.

We call on the Government of Canada to take the appropriate measures to get open-net aquaculture out of our federal waters:

Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs

RAVEN is a charitable organization that provides financial resources to assist Aboriginal Nations within Canada in lawfully forcing industrial development to be reconciled with their traditional ways of life, and in a manner that addresses global warming or other ecological sustainability challenges.

Our Land, My People

In the film Our Land, My People, the Lubicon people tell the story of their 30 year struggle for justice. It's a story of environmental destruction and shocking discrimination. It's also a story of determination and hope.

Maude Barlow on the Global Water Crisis

An amazing lecture by Maude Barlow on the Global Water Crisis.

Maude Barlow is the National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians and chairs the board of Washington-based Food and Water Watch. She also served as Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly.

What is food sovereignty from La Via Campesina 2003

The concept of food sovereignty was developed by Via Campesina and brought to the public debate during the World Food Summit in 1996 and represents an alternative to neoliberal policies. Since then, that concept has become a major issue of the international agricultural debate, even within the United Nations bodies. It was the main theme of the NGO forum held in parallel to the FAO World Food Summit of June 2002.

Ts'ilqotin Chiefs protest Prosperity Mine

Dozens of protesters held up signs on Highway 97 between McLeese Lake and MacAllister Thursday afternoon to show their opposition to the destruction of Fish Lake should Prosperity mine be built.

Among those protesting were Xeni Gwet’in Chief Marilyn Baptiste, ?Esdilagh Chief Bernie Elkins, Tl’esqox Chief Francis Laceese, Ulkatcho First Nation Chief Allen Louie, and Lhtako Dene Nation Chief Geronimo Squinas.

Salmon Fisheries - Sea Lice Issue

Are drug-resistant sea lice from Nootka Sound fish farms being introduced to Discovery Passage, posing an enormous threat to wild salmon and farmed fish throughout the Inside Passage?

That's a concern being raised by Alexandra Morton but rejected this week by the province and Grieg Seafoods.

The provincial government must be pressured through the courts and through direct action to put a stop to the very serious situation that is causing sea lice to drive the most important source of protein in Indigenous diets to near extinction.

Chief's hunger strike - Norwegian owned fish farms!

First Nations chiefs are planning a 29-hour hunger strike leading up to the Olympic hockey game between Canada and Norway Tuesday, to protest Norwegian-owned fish farms.

Members of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs are fasting to support the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council's opposition to fish-farm tenures in the Broughton Archipelago.