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Resources Related to Community Economics

There are 15 results in total.

May 11 2010
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Web Link

Over the past month, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has embarked on a concentrated effort in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia, threatening area businesses with fines unless they remove their ungraded farm-fresh eggs from store shelves. Close to a dozen businesses that Deconstructing Dinner is aware of have received such a visit. This episode hears from a number of those businesses including comments on the issue from the BC Egg Marketing Board, the CFIA and the regional health authority Interior Health.

Dawn Morrison
  | 1 comment
Mar 17 2010
this resource is a link
Content type:
Web Link

The concept of food sovereignty was developed by Via Campesina and brought to the public debate during the World Food Summit in 1996 and represents an alternative to neoliberal policies. Since then, that concept has become a major issue of the international agricultural debate, even within the United Nations bodies. It was the main theme of the NGO forum held in parallel to the FAO World Food Summit of June 2002.

Mar 17 2010
this resource is a link
Content type:
Web Link

Harvest Mccampbell is dedicated to food and culture.

Jan 25 2010
this resource is a document
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The purpose of this project was to engage Aboriginal communities in discussions that would enable individuals and groups involved with food related action to explore and identify ways that the B.C. Food Systems Network (BCFSN) - Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty (WGIFS) can support their work on increasing food security.

Dawn Morrison
  | 1 comment
Jan 8 2010
this resource is a document
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Policy relevance
Many factors threaten the fight against household food insecurity, hunger, and poverty;
this is particularly true for Aboriginal Canadians. Stakeholders, decision-makers, evaluators, and academics need to know about the unique experiences, challenges, traditions, knowledge, and
beliefs of Aboriginal people when making strategic decisions or recommendations or when
implementing new policies and programs. While much funding is currently directed at the health
needs and concerns of First Nations people in on- and off-reserve areas, lack of government

Dawn Morrison