Land Title and Rights
New proposal threatens Fish Lake again!
Hi Flora
PicI am writing you today to ask that you send off a quick letter before November 7th to the federal government about a trout-filled lake on BC's Chilcotin Plateau west of Williams Lake. If the feds take the action we are asking them to take, they will be saving the lake and whole lot of time and money as well.
The lake I am talking about is Fish Lake. If that name sounds familiar it should.
Presidents Message
Our program to advocate for indigenous peoples affected by multilateral development banks is a cornerstone of the work at the Indian Law Resource Center. This project began in the late 1970s when the Center represented the Yanomami people of Brazil. The Yanomami lived a peaceful and self-sufficient life, with no ties to the global economy, until Brazil received money from the World Bank to build a road through their territory. The road unleashed chaos within the Yanomami communities. Road workers brought malaria and many Yanomami died because they had no resistance to the disease.
Feedlot-Free Broughton Archipelago Petition
I am writing to let you know we are gathering digitally to protect wild salmon.
Five thousand years ago the Broughton Archipelago generously supported thousands of people. Its natural contours create the perfect conditions for clams, salmon, herring and seaweeds. As long as their culture protected the fish, the people thrived building communities, a society, Nations.
Wild Salmon are Sacred
We the undersigned citizens of Canada stand against the biological and social threat and commerce of industrial marine net-cage feedlots using our global oceans. The science is clear: these operations risk wild salmon populations by intensifying disease and deplete world fishery resources to make the feed. They privatize ocean spaces and threaten our sovereign rights to food security.
We call on the Government of Canada to take the appropriate measures to get open-net aquaculture out of our federal waters:
Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs
RAVEN is a charitable organization that provides financial resources to assist Aboriginal Nations within Canada in lawfully forcing industrial development to be reconciled with their traditional ways of life, and in a manner that addresses global warming or other ecological sustainability challenges.
Our Land, My People
In the film Our Land, My People, the Lubicon people tell the story of their 30 year struggle for justice. It's a story of environmental destruction and shocking discrimination. It's also a story of determination and hope.
The Wilderness Committee works with bands to help protect wildlands and on community development projects. We specialize in working with bands that want to protect special parts of their territory as tribal parks and restore reserve lands to maximize local food production. We have observed that on-reserve community development projects like farms help get youth more healthy.
APTN Brings Viewers Perspectives on the Environment
March 1, 2010 - APTN National News will premiere Perspectives on the Environment, a week dedicated to environmental issues affecting communities across Canada. The stories, which will be featured during APTN National News March 8 to March 11 at 6:00 pm ET on APTN East/MT on APTN West/CT on APTN North/ET on APTN HD, and will culminate in an hour-long special season finale edition of APTN InFocus March 12, will focus on the major issues in every region of Canada: North, South/Central, East and West.
Ts'ilqotin Chiefs protest Prosperity Mine
Dozens of protesters held up signs on Highway 97 between McLeese Lake and MacAllister Thursday afternoon to show their opposition to the destruction of Fish Lake should Prosperity mine be built.
Among those protesting were Xeni Gwet’in Chief Marilyn Baptiste, ?Esdilagh Chief Bernie Elkins, Tl’esqox Chief Francis Laceese, Ulkatcho First Nation Chief Allen Louie, and Lhtako Dene Nation Chief Geronimo Squinas.
Memorial to Sir Wilfred Laurier, Premier of the Dominion of Canada
The Sir Wilfred Laurier Memorial outlines the history of the relationship between the Secwepemc (original inhabitants of the Shuswap geographic region in the southern interior of B.C.) and the European settlers up to the period of 1910.